

v0.0.9 - Aiming for the (GitHub) Stars

  • Adding PHP-CGI support!
  • Runtime extension loading!
  • libicu, freetype, zlib, gd, libpng, libjpeg, openssl, & phar support.
  • php-wasm, php-cgi-wasm, & php-wasm-builder are now separate packages.
  • Vrzno now facilitates url fopen via the fetch() api.
  • pdo_cfd1 is now a separate extension from Vrzno.
  • pdo_pglite adds local Postgres support.
  • SQLite is now using version 3.46.
  • Demos for CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Laravel & Laminas.
  • Drupal & all other demos now use standard build + zip install.
  • Modules are now webpack-compatible out of the box.
  • Exposing FS methods w/queueing & locking to sync files between tabs & workers.
  • Fixed the bug with POST requests under Firefox.
  • Adding support for PHP 8.3.7
  • Automatic CI testing for PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 & 8.3.

v0.0.8 - Preparing for Lift-off

  • Adding ESM & CDN Module support!
  • Adding stdin.
  • Buffering stdout/stderr in javascript.
  • Fixing <script type = "text/php"> support.
  • Adding fetch support for src on above.
  • Adding support for libzip, iconv, & html-tidy
  • Adding support for NodeFS & IDBFS.
  • Custom builds.
  • Updating PHP to 8.2.11
  • Building with Emscripten 3.1.43
  • Modularizing dependencies.
  • Compressing assets.

0.0.7 - Remodermizing

  • Updating PHP to 8.2.4
  • Updating SQLite to 3.41
  • Updating Drupal to 7.95
  • Correcting hiccups in the build process

0.0.6 - Ease

  • Correcting hiccups in the build process

0.0.5 - Alignment

  • Ensuring npm & github have matching tags
  • Ensuring Drupal re-builds correctly with no nested duplicate directory
  • Removing some extraneous files from example application
  • Separating php-web-drupal from php-web for real this time
  • Publishing php-web-drupal to npm

0.0.4 - Revisiting

  • Separated Drupal from standard php-web to save bandwidth
  • Running the build automatically on push in CircleCI
  • Getting the automatic build working for Drupal

0.0.3 - New Horizons

  • php.exec() may be used to evaluate a single php expression & return its result.
  • php may now access & traverse the dom and access nodes.
  • The querySelector method is available on dom nodes.
  • addEventListener/removeEventListener is also available on dom nodes.
  • sqlite3 v3.33 is now statically linked to php & the sqlite3 extension is enabled.
  • The following extensions are now enabled: sqlite3, pdo, & pdo-sqlite.
  • Totally revamped build process that tracks build artifact relationships.
  • Builds for web, node, shell, worker & webview.

0.0.2 - Gaining Momentum

  • php objects now have persistent memory, may be cleared with php.refresh();.
  • php code may now access Javascript (and thus, the DOM) via the VRZNO project. The extension is preinstalled with php-wasm.
  • <script type = "text/php"> tags are now supported, both inline and with src=.... Both require opening tags as of now.
  • Building of object files is now separated from building of binary files so multiple binaries may be built from the same set of objects.
  • License changed from MIT to Apache-2.0, which has similar terms, but USERS must have visibility of the attribution, rather that just DEVELOPERS.
  • Build dependencies are now expressed in the makefile
  • Project can be built in its entirety by running make.
  • Ensuring newlines in PHP output are respected.

0.0.1 - Humble Beginnings

  • Event-oriented interface added to php object.
  • Buildscript was slightly improved with a makefile