Php-Cgi-Wasm for Service Workers

Version 0.0.9 adds php-cgi-wasm to the mix. This allows you to run php in web-server mode, similar to how it runs under apache or nginx. Running within a Service Worker, it can intercept and respond to HTTP requests just like a normal webserver. This means the browser can simply navigate to a URL, and PHP will generate the page, and everything will work as-normal, AJAX and all. From the perspective of the webpage, its just making HTTP requests. Its not worried about whether the PHP runs on the server or in a Service Worker.

Install the php-cgi-wasm package

$ npm install php-cgi-wasm

Example Service Worker

import { PhpCgiWorker } from "php-cgi-wasm/PhpCgiWorker";

// Spawn the PHP-CGI binary
const php = new PhpCgiWorker({
    prefix:  '/php-wasm',
    docroot: '/persist/www',
    types: {
        jpg:  'image/jpeg',
        jpeg: 'image/jpeg',
        gif:  'image/gif',
        png:  'image/png',
        svg:  'image/svg+xml',

// Set up the event handlers
self.addEventListener('install',  event => php.handleInstallEvent(event));
self.addEventListener('activate', event => php.handleActivateEvent(event));
self.addEventListener('fetch',    event => php.handleFetchEvent(event));
self.addEventListener('message',  event => php.handleMessageEvent(event));

Note: php-cgi-wasm & php-wasm are separate packages. One “embeds” php right into your javascript, the other runs in “cgi-mode,” just like php would under apache or nginx.


There is a msg-bus module supplied by php-cgi-wasm as a helper to communicate with php running inside a worker. The module exposes two functions: sendMessageFor and onMessage.

This allows you to simply await the result of calls to file system methods (see above) on the service worker:

const result = await sendMessage(methodName, [param, param, param]);

onMessage & sendMessageFor

  • Use onMessage as an event handler for message events coming from the Service Worker.
  • Use sendMessageFor to GENERATE A FUNCTION that you can use to send messages to your service worker.
import { onMessage, sendMessageFor } from `php-cgi-wasm/msg-bus`;

const SERVICE_WORKER_SCRIPT_URL = '/cgi-worker.mjs';


navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', onMessage);

const sendMessage = sendMessageFor(SERVICE_WORKER_SCRIPT_URL);

const result = await sendMessage(methodName, [param, param, param]);


Once you’ve got the above set up, use php.handleMessageEvent to handle the message events on the service worker:

self.addEventListener('message',  event => php.handleMessageEvent(event));